Why we need Creative Confidence

Elena Wood
2 min readJul 11, 2021



“Creative confidence is like a muscle — it can be strengthened and nurtured through effort and experience.” ~ Tom & David Kelly

Honestly, it was very hard for me to not write down every single sentence while reading Creative Confidence by Tom and David Kelly (Founders of IDEO). It’s definitely the most reaffirming book I’ve read in a really long time and I couldn’t stop saying “OMG yes” at every line. This book finally gave me the words to describe to others what I’ve been feeling for the past year.

My parents were so surprised when I announced I wanted to direct my career towards design because they just didn’t see me as a creative type. To quote my mum, “but you can’t draw to save your life”.

And I couldn’t have agreed more. My whole life I thought that I wasn’t a creative type because I was no good at applied arts, drawing, sculpture making, and whatever other classic art project was set in front of me. And when I’m not good at something I immediately stop it in fear of rejection or embarrassing myself.

But discovering design has completely changed my perspective on this. I may not be able to draw with pen and paper, but Adobe Illustrator straightens out my lines for me. Technology can fill in the gaps for me. I was never one to draw pretty doodles in my notebook or naturally know how to make a space pretty, or put together coherently coloured outfits. BUT NONE OF THAT MATTERS.

Because it turns our creativity isn’t a gift given to a lucky few, it’s in all of us. It’s like a muscle waiting to be flexed and expanded. Over the last year, I’ve learned to learn. To nurture kid energy, to be free of judgment as I try and fail, and then get it right. And it’s a pretty beautiful thing.

